Journal Officiel de la Société de Radiologie d’ Afrique Noire Francophone / Official Journal of the Radiological Society of Francophone Africa



La fibrodysplasie ossifiante progressive (FOP) ou myosite ossifiante progressive (MOP) ou maladie de M¼nchmeyer ou maladie de l'homme de pierre est une maladie g©n©tique rare et extrªmement invalidante du syst¨me musculo-squelettique. Cette maladie est caract©ris©e par une ossification h©t©rotopique des muscles squelettiques, des ligaments et des tendons. La plupart des patients atteints de FOP sont diagnostiqu©s apr¨s l'apparition des ossifications h©t©rotopiques. Les auteurs d©crivent un cas de FOP progressive tr¨s avanc©e   tendance asphyxiante chez un gar§on de neuf ans par des aspects scanographiques et insistent sur lâimportance de cet examen dans le diagnostic.


Texte intégral :



Kaplan FS, Zasloff MA, Kitterman JA, Shore EM, Hong CC, Rocke DM. Early Mortality and Cardiorespiratory Failure in Patients with Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva. Joint Surg Am 92:686-91, 2010.

Mahbouti S, Glasser DL, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva Pediatric Radiol 31:307-14, 2001.

Randriambololona VH, Raherison AR, Razafimahefa J, Rabesalama SSEN, Soloarivelo AF, Razafimahandry JC. Myosite ossifiante progressive : ? propos dâ??un cas. Revue Tropicale de Chirurgie 4: 8-10, 2010.

Kaplan FS, Shore EM, Connor JM. The International Clinical Consortium on FOP. The medical management of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive: current treatment considerations. Clin Proc Int Consort FOP 3: 1-82, 2008.

Cohen RB, Hahn GV, Tabas JA, Peeper J, Levitz CL, Sando A, et al. The natural history of heterotopic ossification in patients who have fibrodysplasie ossificans progressiva . J Bone Joint Surg Am 75: 215-9, 1993.

Groppe JC, Shore EM, Kaplan FS. Functional modeling of the ACVR1 (R206H) mutation in FOP Clin Orthop Relat Res 462: 87-92, 2007.

Shore EM, Feldman GJ, Xu M, Kaplan FS. The genetics of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva . Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3 (3â???4):201â???4, 2005.

Kaplan FS, Glaser DL, Shore EM, Deirmengian GK, Gupta R, Delai P, Morhart R, Smith R, Le Merrer M, Rogers JG,. Connor JM, Kitterman JA. The phenotype of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva Clin Rev Bone Miner Metab 3:183â???88, 2005.

Kaplan FS, Le Merrer M, Glaser DL, Pignolo RJ, Goldsby RE, Kitterman JA, Groppe J, Shore EM. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 22:191â???205, 2008.

Hasan U. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva without characteristic skeletal anomalies Rheumatol Int 3, 2010.

Kaplan FS, Xu M, Glaser DL, Collins F, Connor M, Kitterman J, Sillence D, Zackai E, Ravitsky V, Zasloff M, Ganguly A, Shore EM. Early diagnosis of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive. Pediatrics 121:1295â???00, 2009.

Kussmaul WG, Esmail AN, Sagir AN, Ross J, Gregory S, Kaplan FS. Pulmonary and cardiac function in advanced fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva . Clin Orthop 346:104â???9, 1998.

Kitterman JA, Kantanie S, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS. Iatrogenic harm caused by diagnostic errors in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive. Pediatrics 116:654-61, 2005.


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