IRM des pathologies sellaires et supra sellaires  Abidjan:  propos de 65 cas
Objectif : D©terminer la pr©valence des pathologies hypophysaires retrouv©es au d©cours des IRM r©alis©es au service de Radiodiagnostic et Imagerie M©dicale du CHU de Treichville.
Mat©riel et m©thode : il sâagissait dâune ©tude r©trospective descriptive effectu©e sur une p©riode de 48 mois allant de janvier 2011  d©cembre 2014 dans le service de Radiodiagnostic et Imagerie M©dicale du CHU de Treichville. Cette ©tude ©tait bas©e sur lâanalyse des comptes rendus dâIRM hypophysaire effectu©s chez des patients qui ©taient admises dans le service.
R©sultats : Ces patients ©taient majoritairement de sexe f©minin avec un sex ratio de 0,51. Leur ¢ge variait de 18  61 ans avec une moyenne de 32,5 ans. Sur 638 IRM cr¢nio enc©phaliques qui avaient ©t© r©alis©es, nous avions identifi© 65 cas de pathologies hypophysaires soit 10,18% de lâensemble des pathologies cr¢nio enc©phaliques. Il sâagissait essentiellement dâad©nomes dans 92% des cas. Parmi les ad©nomes hypophysaires, les macroad©nomes pr©dominaient soit 57%. Les c©phal©es ©taient les indications les plus rencontr©es. Lâextension des ad©nomes hypophysaires se faisait au niveau des sinus sph©no¯daux, des sinus caverneux et au niveau du chiasma optique. Le sinus caverneux ©tait atteint dans 57,14% et le chiasma optique dans 71,43% des cas.
Conclusion : Les pathologies hypophysaires repr©sentaient environ 10% des pathologies cr¢nio enc©phaliques et ©taient domin©es par les causes tumorales notamment les ad©nomes. LâIRM reste la m©thode dâImagerie de r©f©rence dans lâexploration des pathologies sellaires et supra sellaires notamment pour le diagnostic positif et pour le bilan dâextension.Â
Objectif: We aim to find out the prevalence of pituitary pathologies found in the MRI performed at the service of Radiodiagnostics and Medical Imaging at Treichville Teaching Hospital.
Design: This was a descriptive retrospective study over a 48-month period from January 2011 to December 2014 in the service of Radiodiagnostics and Medical Imaging at Treichville Teaching Hospital which was based on the analysis of MRI reports performed on patients for pituitary MRI.
Results: The female sex was dominant with a sex ratio of 0,51. The age ranged from 18 to 61 years with an average of 32.5 years. For 638 cases of brain MRI, we have identified 65 cases of pituitary abnormalities that represent 10.18%. These were mainly adenomas in 92% of cases. Among pituitary adenomas, macroadenomas predominated either 57%. Headaches were the most common indications. The extension of pituitary adenomas occurred at the level of the sphenoidal sinuses, the cavernous sinuses and at the level of the optic chiasma.The cavernous sinus was reached in 57.14% and optic chiasm in 71.43% of cases.
Conclusion: In the literature, the prevalence of pituitary pathologies accounts for about 10% of brain pathologies and is dominated by tumor causes including adenomas.MRI remains the reference method of imaging in the exploration of sellar and supra-sellar diseases.
Objectif: We aim to find out the prevalence of pituitary pathologies found in the MRI performed at the service of Radiodiagnostics and Medical Imaging at Treichville Teaching Hospital.
Design: This was a descriptive retrospective study over a 48-month period from January 2011 to December 2014 in the service of Radiodiagnostics and Medical Imaging at Treichville Teaching Hospital which was based on the analysis of MRI reports performed on patients for pituitary MRI.
Results: The female sex was dominant with a sex ratio of 0,51. The age ranged from 18 to 61 years with an average of 32.5 years. For 638 cases of brain MRI, we have identified 65 cases of pituitary abnormalities that represent 10.18%. These were mainly adenomas in 92% of cases. Among pituitary adenomas, macroadenomas predominated either 57%. Headaches were the most common indications. The extension of pituitary adenomas occurred at the level of the sphenoidal sinuses, the cavernous sinuses and at the level of the optic chiasma.The cavernous sinus was reached in 57.14% and optic chiasm in 71.43% of cases.
Conclusion: In the literature, the prevalence of pituitary pathologies accounts for about 10% of brain pathologies and is dominated by tumor causes including adenomas.MRI remains the reference method of imaging in the exploration of sellar and supra-sellar diseases.
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