Journal Officiel de la Société de Radiologie d’ Afrique Noire Francophone / Official Journal of the Radiological Society of Francophone Africa


Emilienne GUEGANG GOUJOU, Odile Fernande ZEH, Mathieu Motah, Arland LOUNANGOU KIYOUNDOU, Alain MENANGA, Emmanuel FONGANG, Alain Georges JUIMO, Joseph GONSU FOTSIN


Objectifs. D©crire les aspects ©pid©miologiques, cliniques et tomodensitom©triques des an©vrismes de lâaorte abdominale   lâH´pital G©n©ral de Yaound©.

Mat©riels et m©thodes. tude transversale sur une p©riode de 3 mois de novembre 2012   janvier 2013.Ont ©t© inclus dans cette ©tude 25  patients adultes dont lâaorte abdominale a pr©sent© au scanner : une dilatation permanente localis©e, segmentaire, avec perte du parall©lisme des bords. Les patients ayant des donn©es cliniques et tomodensitom©triques incompl¨tes ont ©t© exclus.

R©sultats. La moyenne dâ¢ge a ©t© de 67,52 ans. La d©couverte a ©t© fortuite dans 52 % des cas. Lâ©tude a ©t© constitu©e de  14 (56%) femmes et 11 (44%) hommes  dont 21(84%) ont eu un ¢ge sup©rieur   60 ans. Lâhypertension art©rielle a ©t© le facteur de risque pr©dominant (52 %). La localisation sous-r©nale a ©t© retrouv©e dans 16 (64%) cas. Parmi les 25 patients,20 (80 %) ont pr©sent© la forme fusiforme ; 13 cas (52%) dâextension an©vrismale extra-abdominale ; 10 patients (40 %) ont pr©sent© un diam¨tre an©vrismal ant©ro-post©rieur variant  de 30   34 mm ; Il y a eu  08 cas (32 %) de dissection an©vrismale ,  08 cas (32 %)  de thromboses et 02 cas(08%) de rupture an©vrismale.

Conclusion. Lâangioscanner est dâun grand apport pour la caract©risation des an©vrismes.  


Purpose:To describe the clinical aspects, the risk factorsand CT features of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) in the Yaounde General Hospital.

Patients and Method:It was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out over a period of three months, from November 2012 to January 2013.Included in this study were 25 patients whose abdominal aorta presented a segmental localised permanent dilatation on CT scan with unparallel walls. Patients with incomplete clinical and CT scan data were excluded.

Results: A total of 25 patients were diagnosed with AAA and the frequency was 0.62%. There were 11males (44%). The mean age was 67.52 years (range: from 38 to 86 years). They were 21 patients aged over 60 years (84%).Thirteen patients were hypertensive. The diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm was incidental in 52% of cases. The infra-renal location was found in 64% of cases (16 patients) as opposed to just one case of supra-renal location (4%). Twenty patients (80%) had a fusiform aneurysm while 20% of patients had a saccular type. The extra-abdominal aneurismal extension was found in 52% of cases (13 patients). Antero- posterior diameter ranging from 30 to 34mm was documented in 10patients (40%) and had the highest frequency of complications. Dissecting aneurysm and aneurysmal thrombosis was found in eight cases each (32%) and 02 cases of ruptured aneurysm.

Conclusion: Angio-CT scan remains an important tool in the AAA characterization


Texte intégral :



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