Objectifs. D©crire les aspects ©pid©miologiques, cliniques et tomodensitom©triques des an©vrismes de lâaorte abdominale  lâH´pital G©n©ral de Yaound©.
Mat©riels et m©thodes. tude transversale sur une p©riode de 3 mois de novembre 2012  janvier 2013.Ont ©t© inclus dans cette ©tude 25 patients adultes dont lâaorte abdominale a pr©sent© au scanner : une dilatation permanente localis©e, segmentaire, avec perte du parall©lisme des bords. Les patients ayant des donn©es cliniques et tomodensitom©triques incompl¨tes ont ©t© exclus.
R©sultats. La moyenne dâ¢ge a ©t© de 67,52 ans. La d©couverte a ©t© fortuite dans 52 % des cas. Lâ©tude a ©t© constitu©e de 14 (56%) femmes et 11 (44%) hommes dont 21(84%) ont eu un ¢ge sup©rieur  60 ans. Lâhypertension art©rielle a ©t© le facteur de risque pr©dominant (52 %). La localisation sous-r©nale a ©t© retrouv©e dans 16 (64%) cas. Parmi les 25 patients,20 (80 %) ont pr©sent© la forme fusiforme ; 13 cas (52%) dâextension an©vrismale extra-abdominale ; 10 patients (40 %) ont pr©sent© un diam¨tre an©vrismal ant©ro-post©rieur variant de 30  34 mm ; Il y a eu 08 cas (32 %) de dissection an©vrismale , 08 cas (32 %) de thromboses et 02 cas(08%) de rupture an©vrismale.
Conclusion. Lâangioscanner est dâun grand apport pour la caract©risation des an©vrismes. Â
Purpose:To describe the clinical aspects, the risk factorsand CT features of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) in the Yaounde General Hospital.
Patients and Method:It was a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out over a period of three months, from November 2012 to January 2013.Included in this study were 25 patients whose abdominal aorta presented a segmental localised permanent dilatation on CT scan with unparallel walls. Patients with incomplete clinical and CT scan data were excluded.
Results: A total of 25 patients were diagnosed with AAA and the frequency was 0.62%. There were 11males (44%). The mean age was 67.52 years (range: from 38 to 86 years). They were 21 patients aged over 60 years (84%).Thirteen patients were hypertensive. The diagnosis of abdominal aortic aneurysm was incidental in 52% of cases. The infra-renal location was found in 64% of cases (16 patients) as opposed to just one case of supra-renal location (4%). Twenty patients (80%) had a fusiform aneurysm while 20% of patients had a saccular type. The extra-abdominal aneurismal extension was found in 52% of cases (13 patients). Antero- posterior diameter ranging from 30 to 34mm was documented in 10patients (40%) and had the highest frequency of complications. Dissecting aneurysm and aneurysmal thrombosis was found in eight cases each (32%) and 02 cases of ruptured aneurysm.
Conclusion: Angio-CT scan remains an important tool in the AAA characterization
Texte intégral :
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