Apport de lâhysteroscanner dans le bilan dâinfertilit© f©minine a Abidjan Contribution of the multidetector CT virtual hysterosalpingography in the female infertility workup in Abidjan.
 Pr©ciser lâapport de lâhyst©rosalpingographie virtuelle scanographique dans lâ©valuation de lâut©rus et des trompes dans le bilan dâinfertilit©
 Etude prospective sur 10 mois portant sur 102 patientes dans le cadre dâun bilan d'infertilit© chez qui des hyst©roscanners ont ©t© r©alis©s sur un scanner 16 barrettes. Un volume moyen de 10 ml de contraste iod© (Ioxitalamate de meglumine teneur en iode 25 %) dilu© au 1/5 a ©t© inject© dans la cavit© ut©rine. Cinq types de post-reconstruction ont ©t© r©alis©s.
La moyenne dâ¢ge ©tait de 33ans. Le bilan de fertilit© ©tait lâindication la plus fr©quente dans 88,3 %. 37 % des patientes venues pour bilan de fertilit© ont pr©sent© une dur©e dâinfertilit© variant entre 2 et 5 ans. Les pathologies ut©rines pr©dominaient avec les dystrophies (fibrome, polype, hypertrophie endom©triale) repr©sentant 47,8 %. Lâobstruction tubaire unilat©rale ou bilat©rale a ©t© retrouv©e dans 55 % des cas.
Lâhyst©roscanner est un examen  rapide  r©aliser permettant dâ©valuer la perm©abilit© tubaire et une analyse plus sp©cifique la cavit© ut©rine. Il offre la possibilit© de r©aliser une endoscopie ut©rine virtuelle de qualit© utile au clinicien.
Clarifying the contribution of multidetector CT virtual hysterosalpingography in the evaluation of the uterus and fallopian tubes in the infertility workup.
Prospective study over 10 months on 102 patients in the perspective of an infertility workup in whom a 16-Row multidetector CT virtual hysterosalpingography was performed. An average volume of 10 ml of 1/5 diluted iodine (Ioxitalamate meglumine iodine 25%) was injected into the uterine cavity. Five various postprocessing algorithms were performed.Â
The average age was 33 years. The fertility workup was the most common indication in 88.3%. 37% of patients came for the fertility workup showed a duration of infertility raging from 2 to 5 years. Uterine pathologies prevailed with dystrophies (fibroids, polyps, endometrial hypertrophy) representing 47.8%. Unilateral or bilateral tubal obstruction was found in 55% of cases.
The multidetector CT virtual hysterosalpingography is  quick to perform method which allows the evaluation of tubal permeability, and a more specific analysis of the uterine cavity. It offers the opportunity to take a quality virtual uterine endoscopy useful to the clinician.
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